The global COVID-19 pandemic, not only spotlighted the impact of infectious diseases on human health, but also affected the continuity of antimicrobial stewardship efforts, by, inter alia, spurring over-prescribing, overuse and self-medication, the scale and effect of which are still unknown. And patients can, and need to play bigger role in this fight, because appropriate antimicrobial use – is everybody’s business. It is critical to consider and employ the existing capacity, expertise and outreach of patient and civil society organisations in reinforcing the AMR efforts, and thus ensure achievement of SDGs and UHC 2030.  

In 2021, IAPO P4PS Observatory is initiating the AMR Patient Alliance to amalgamate patient-led efforts worldwide with a vision of a world where human-induced antimicrobial resistance is eliminated. Our hope is that the AMR Patient Alliance will give voice to patients in every Member State, and also empower them for sustaining the efficacy of antibiotics – for as long as possible, for as many patients as possible.

AMR Patient Advisory Board

Mariano Votta

Cittadinanzattiva/Active Citizenship Network

Neda Milevska Kostova

International Alliance of Patients' Organizations

Christine Verini

Cancer Care

Danjuma Adda

Executive Director, CFID Taraba and Chagro-Care Trust

Daniel Gallego

Federación Nacional de Asociaciones ALCER [Association for the Fight Against Kidney Diseases]

Thomas Heymann

Sepsis Alliance

Sign the AMR Consensus statement

Addressing AMR requires concerted efforts by all stakeholders. We, as patients, patient caregivers, patient advocates and patient organisations have a goal to preserve effectiveness of antimicrobial medicines for as long as possible, so that they can be successfully used in treatment of infections, as well as to advocate for rational use and equitable access to existing and new anti-infective medicines and vaccines for everyone, everywhere.
